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Demand for products requiring only minimal preparation on the part of the consumer is steadily increasing. Primoforno products can be defined as convenience foods as they are pre-cooked, refreshed at the point of sale to be sold and consumed directly.

Changes in modern lifestyles and the increasing awareness of the most natural foods possible mean that we must meet the demand of consumers who buy products right when they are needed, and who do not intend to waste long periods of time in preparing them.


Our ability to produce high-quality products at competitive prices makes it convenient for chain supermarkets that have cooking facilities to purchase our pre-cooked and frozen products, rather than relying solely on internal production. This guarantees:

  • Consistent availability of products
  • Cost control
  • Reduction in fixed costs
  • No more waste
  • Innovative products with natural raw ingredients
  • Artisanal quality standards
  • Better profit margins